Alexander M. Basil - Exploring the Mind, Embracing Desire

Frequently Asked Questions

Artificial Intelligence & Writing

Can I use AI to help with writing?

Yes! AI tools can assist with brainstorming, grammar checks, and even drafting ideas.

Will AI replace human authors?

AI is a tool, but creativity and storytelling remain uniquely human skills.

Copyright & Legal

How do I protect my book from plagiarism?

Register your work with a copyright office and use watermarks.

Do I need an ISBN for my book?

It depends on your publishing method; traditional publishers provide one, while self-publishers may need to buy one.

Marketing & Promotion

What are effective ways to promote my book?

Use social media, book signings, and paid advertising.

How do I build an author platform?

Create a website, engage on social media, and network with readers.


What is the difference between self-publishing and traditional publishing?

Traditional publishing involves working with a publishing house, while self-publishing gives you full control and responsibility.

How do I submit my manuscript to a publisher?

Research agents, follow submission guidelines, and write a strong query letter.

Time Management & Productivity

How do I balance writing with my full-time job?

Set a writing schedule, prioritize tasks, and use productivity tools.

What are the best productivity tools for authors?

Scrivener, Trello, and Pomodoro timers can help with writing efficiency.

Writing & Craft

How do I overcome writer’s block?

Take breaks, read inspiring works, and set small writing goals.

What are some tips for developing strong characters?

Give them flaws, motivations, and backstory to make them relatable.

How do I structure a compelling story?

Use the three-act structure: setup, confrontation, and resolution.